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House of Fear: A Lethal Chase Amidst Locked Doors

In my dream, I was home alone, and a guy entered with a knife and was chasing me to try to kill me. We ended up between the dining table. I was very calm, as if I mastered some martial art. The man locked the door, and João and Monique were on the other side trying to open it. I went to the door to try to open it, but it was locked. Then, I woke up at that moment.

In my dream, I was home alone, and a guy entered with a knife and was chasing me to try to kill me. We ended up between the dining table. I was very calm, as if I mastered some martial art. The man locked the door, and João and Monique were on the other side trying to open it. I went to the door to try to open it, but it was locked. Then, I woke up at that moment.

The dream about being chased and threatened with a knife indicates that you may feel afraid and powerless in some aspect of your life. The fact that you were very calm in the dream suggests that you are capable of overcoming your fears and may have some inner strength and resilience. The presence of João and Monique may indicate that you have some support in your waking life. However, the locked door symbolizes that you may feel trapped or unable to escape a situation. This dream could be a warning or a message to empower yourself to face your fears and not be afraid of taking action to protect yourself.